It occurred to me suddenly that I’d forgotten to post about this at “Out of Ambit”: so here’s a copy of a posting that’s appeared on Tumblr and at LiveJournal. (Tumblr buddies, if you’ve seen this before, please excuse the repost: I’m testing the echo between the blog and my Tumblr.)
For those of you who don’t know what this is all about: It’s a challenge to draw or write a piece of fanfic about your One True Pairing every day for thirty days. It started with this August 2012 posting at “One Hundred Suns” and started spreading around Tumblr after that. (You can use this link to see what other people are doing with the concept: at least the ones who’ve remembered to tag their posts.)
My interest was casually piqued by this some time back. But not until the other morning, when I saw what the very talented Reapersun had just done with Day 1 — raising the bar quite high — did I realize this might be something I wanted to do too. So: I’m in it for the 30 days.
The links to them, and some more info, lie below the cut.