The nice folks at Shopify have rolled out a new feature that allows us to offer discounts on specific items or specific collections at the Ebooks Direct store.
So we’re testing it out this week by offering a collection discount on Peter’s “Tales of Old Russia”: 25% off the books in the series. Just use the coupon code OLDRUSSIA at checkout. (Details on how to handle coupon codes at our store are here.) Buy just one or buy them all, you get the discount.
Disclaimer: I seem to have married these books’ author. 🙂 Nonetheless I can honestly say that they are great stuff. In particular, Mar’ya Morevna — warrior, sorceress, and Fairest Princess in All the Russias — is one hot number. You do not screw around with Mar’ya Morevna. (Well, not unless you’re Prince Ivan…)
(…BTW, other store discounts announced earlier, like the STARLIGHTGUILT discount mentioned over here, are also still working.)