For those of you who’ve been waiting for the first print version: here it is.
Click here for the YW: Lifeboats paperback page at (ETA: here’s the ISBN info if you prefer to order from a local / independent bookstore. The ISBN-10 is 1517733502: the ISBN-13 is 978-1517733506.
About hardcovers: I’m considering a Lifeboats-only hardcover if there’s enough demand. For the time being, though, the only planned hardcover version will be in the Interim Errantry hardcover, which (along with the paperback) is still in prep.
Meanwhile, of course you can get Lifeboats as an ebook — either here at Ebooks Direct, DRM-free and in many non-Kindle formats: or as a Kindle ebook from Amazon.
(Want to know more about the Lifeboats story? Click here.)
Also: if any of you who’ve bought the Kindle ebook feel like leaving a review… do feel free. 🙂
And additionally, before I forget: the 50%-off sale on the 9-volume Young Wizards New Millennium Edition ebook “box sets” continues here. Honestly, $24.99 is a silly price for nine ebooks. Grab one while the sale lasts.
…So if you know people who’d be interested in any of this, please share this info around. Thanks!
*These are CreateSpace ISBNs, and probably this edition will be replaced at a later date by one with a non-CreateSpace ISBN, but that’s not an issue right this minute. A non-CS ISBN, though, will allow the book to be printed on local POD systems, which strikes me as a good thing.)