So, something like a return to normal procedures around here…but not for long.
First thing: Peter’s mum is OK. But she’s about to turn 90: and when her health suddenly goes weird, our place is near her, not at Worldcon. We were intensely sorry not to be there, but there are times when family takes priority.
Now we’re back home for just a day or so, preparatory to heading off to Phoenix for CopperCon. There’s a lot to do and to get caught up on while we’re here, so don’t expect to see much in the way of posting until the weekend.
Re Chapter 5 of “The Big Meow”: it too got caught up in the delays, alarums and excursions of the past week. I’m getting caught up now and am intending to post it on August 31st.
In regard to the August 31 post date, it looks like the best-laid plans of cats and men have gang aft agley again.
Oh well. I guess we’ll get it when we get it, and whenever it happens it’ll have been worth the wait.
I have no trouble whatsoever with waiting…I just wish we could get a little more notification about delays. You begin to wonder sometimes if the project have been forgotten…especially since the felinewizards.blogspot blog doesn’t seem to exist.
Sorry again about the delays — other things have come up at home and have had to be handled. It’ll be a few more days yet for chapter 5.
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