I dropped a brief note about this into the last message that went out to subscribers to The Big Meow. Now it’s time to get started letting the world know in earnest.

Now that the books have reverted to Peter, he’s free to do with them what he wills…and (impelled by much insistent email) he’s now told me to “go do the Lulu thing.”
And so we shall.
What we’re asking interested readers of this posting to do — whether you read it on DD’s or Peter’s blog — is as follows:
(1) If you’re interested in being notified when either of these books are republished and available for purchase — a matter of days (DD is setting/grooming the type at the moment) please send an email to this address.
(2) In the subject line of your mail, please tell us which book you’re interested in: GREYLADY, WIDOWMAKER, or BOTH.
Also, since the wonders of Lulu allow us to do this without it costing us anything extra:
(3) Also in the subject line, please tell us whether you’re more interested in a British- or US- formatted edition (that is to say, with US or UK spellings): (UK) or (US).
We will be making both hardcover and softcover editions available. The softcover editions are similar to US trade paperback size. For the hardcovers, dustjackets will also be available for those who require them. Unfortunately, the original beautiful Mick Posen covers are copyright to Legend, so we can’t use them in this republication. Until we can commission new cover art, the covers will feature swords from Peter’s collection…including the sword he commissioned from the celebrated Italian swordsmith Fulvio del Tin (responsible for, among much other handsome weaponry, the “hero” version of the “Braveheart” sword) and which most closely evokes the look-and-feel of Greylady.
When you send your email, the database will save your address so that we can send you a notification when things are ready to roll in a week or less. It will also send you an acknowledgement that we’ve received your mail. (If it starts sending you multiple acknowledgements, please mail DD or comment back to her here at the blog to let her know: she will beat the machine into some kind of submission or other.)
We heartily encourage you to spread the word around to other Morwood fans. Pass the email address on to them, or pass this blog entry’s URL/permalink along, and let them know that these rare and much-missed books are now coming back to the fans who’ve been demanding them for years!
..And thanks.
[tags]Peter Morwood, Greylady, Graylady, Widowmaker, Horse Lords, Clan Wars, Aldric, Talvalin, Kyrin, Gemmell[/tags]
1 comment
This is excellent news.
The only brain-strain it will cause me is to try to recall which I already own: I’m sure I have at least one of them…I know I have the Aldric books (of which we also want more 😉
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