- 🙂 RT @Krin_o_o_: @cstross @jonrog1 What about fanfic? Can you legally ship the House of Lords and Game of Thrones? #RedWeddingParliment 15:49:23
- Besides interrogation… 🙂 "The Only Apparent Use For The Egg-Slicer Thing": http://t.co/dVgpKzVBR9 15:57:58
- (snerk). 🙂 @demigoose @Krin_o_o_ @cstross @jonrog1 in reply to demigoose 15:59:55
- The six-volume set of the Young #Wizards New Millennium Editions is out now, folks: http://t.co/01FXteQ56g #YA #fantasy #ebooks 17:10:59
- My fandom. Don't ask me what they're up to. I promised not to look. http://t.co/eKgXvRorJ2 #youngwizards 18:01:36
- Oh my. RT @Catherine_Asaro: Grumpy Cat Gets Garfield-Like Movie Deal http://t.co/GOsPkAP25j via @nikkifinke 18:03:51
- Captions, anybody? http://t.co/GdquGIll2w 21:26:50