RSS and the "Nibelungenlied"

by Diane

In the next day or so I’m going to try adding an RSS feed to this thing. (I’m not sure why: the Blogosphere will hardly wither away for lack of my blatherings. Maybe just to see if I can. I can always turn it off…. Typically, though, initial experiments have produced nothing even slightly RSS-like.) There will probably also be some gratuitous fooling around with fonts and CSS, so don’t be surprised. (I’d also welcome any suggestions on why the blog looks so abysmal in Netscape 7 — i.e., why the main body lettering gets so small, and why the menubox on the right goes straight down to the bottom of the page…) Doubtless I’ve screwed up the CSS somewhere.)

Meanwhile, some unexpectedly cheery news. Last year we wrote a four-hour miniseries based on the Nibelungenlied for an independent production company based in Germany. Today we had a conference call with the people who run the company, and they let us know that production deals with a major Hollywood studio and a TV network have now been sorted out. A director is about to be attached to the project: preproduction should start in May.


…Here’s something neat, by the way: the countdown music from BBC News24. Slight echoes of Kraftwerk, though (to my ears) also haunted somewhat by the ghost of the BBC Radiophonic Workshop…

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