The Times looks at Diana Wynne Jones's new book…

by Diane

The Merlin Conspiracy. …”But although she makes no accusations of plagiarism, she finds it annoying that children, who ‘never look at publication dates’, think she might have copied Rowling.”

(wry look) I know just how she feels… (For my part I don’t have the slightest reason to think that Rowling ever read anything of mine: the “Young Wizards” books were in print for much too short a time in the UK, got zero publicity, and sank [as far as I can tell] without a trace. But Diana has been working in this particular area for at least a decade longer than either Rowling or I; and since her books have been in print for many years in the UK, it seems likely to me that the odds would be better than even that JKR saw them…..)

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