A Terrifying Concept (well, it terrifies me)

by Diane

I was taking a break from writing, and having a look at Holly Lisle’s website, and (via its sidebar) wandered into “Gorok and Wulf Host a Blog.” And reading it gave me this idea.

What if you let your characters blog? What if you let them blog about what it was like to be written?

…As Peter’s mum would say, “Oh, dear, oh dear oh dear oh dear.” Probably this is an idea which should be put far away until I’m through pushing a deadline. (Actually, two deadlines. No, three. No, four. Yes, hi, Michael, hi John, hi Stephe… I see you all there. I’m working, honest.) (I only blog in my break time.)

But still, one could make the occasional note, and then gather everything together, when deadlines are past, and add the occasional “guestblog” in the sidebar. (Hey, if Boing Boing can do it…) I can see it now. Aelblog. Kitblog and Nitablog. (Ponchblog? Let’s not get carried away.) Herewissblog? Heh heh.

…Then again, the Blogosphere being what it is, someone else has to have done this first, and doubtless better. In fact, this whole line of thought is probably the result of low blood sugar. I’m gonna go off and make some pasta.

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