The Pancake Tuesday formula

by Diane

And not the one you’re thinking of, either:

The angular velocity of the object equals the square root of Pi, times the gravity divided by the distance the pancake is from the elbow times four…

That’s how to get the flipped pancake back in the pan, apparently.

I hadn’t even been thinking about it being Shrove / Pancake Tuesday…that day on which (in the UK and Ireland) the airwaves suddenly seem to fill up with commercials for the sellers of plastic lemons full of reconstituted lemon juice. My attention was more on next Tuesday (which is our wedding anniversary..) and, as usual, next Monday (which is Fasnacht. But we were talking to Peter’s mum this morning, and she was trying to track down a Pancake-Tuesday-type-pancake recipe with golden syrup in it (instead of on top of it, as many people here like it)…so the subject suddenly became something to be concerned about. I went Googling for the recipe and couldn’t find what Mum was after…but did stumble across the BBC article above.

And now, of course, when I have fifty other things to be thinking about, I want a pancake. (mutter)

(Here’s a typical Pancake Tuesday pancake recipe, if someone out there wants one.)

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