“He usually rides [the cablecars] on Sunday down to the Powell Street turnaround…He likes to check and see how the tourists are being treated.”
…At one point, he even kept two recycling bins in the trunk of his town car so he could scoop up litter he spotted while driving from meeting to meeting.
But apparently some people, like the Chief of Police, are less than impressed with this whole civic-minded thing (which apparently came to include the mayor getting irate about all the drug dealers he kept seeing when jogging through the Tenderloin).
“With all due respect, Mr. Mayor, we could put a cop on every corner, and the drug dealers would just deal in between them,” Delagnes said. “But if you are really tired of seeing drug dealers, there is one solution I could suggest.”
“What’s that?” the mayor asked.
“Try jogging somewhere else.”
Just no pleasing some people…