That’ll teach me.
A popular wizard dish is Shrimpy Halfling Jambalaya. Just take any combination of leprechauns, goblins, elves, whatever, and throw them into a big cauldron. Add some mustard and whatever smoky potions are kept in test tubes and garnish with parsley. Voilà!—a delicious, nutritious meal. Serves six.
So, in conclusion, wizardry is some very tricky stuff, and not to be taken lightly. Also, crystal meth. Tricky stuff, do not take lightly.
The title of the article, in case you were wondering, is “”A Muggle’s Guide to Harry Potter”. Subtitle: “Written by a guy who never read the books or watched the films, but is pretty good at figuring things out.”
Ooooookayy. In the same vein, a tale of the Creation:
In the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth. The earth was without form, and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And God said, “Let there be Sonic the Hedgehog.” And there was Sonic the Hedgehog. God saw Sonic the Hedgehog, and it was good. He totally loved it so much that he played it all night. Thus there was night. Morning followed. The first day.
…On the fourth day, God invited his friend over. His friend played a little, but said it was stupid. Super Nintendo was better, he said. And TurboGrafix 16 was better cuz it had Bonk, he said. And NeoGeo was coming out and even though it cost $600 it had totally radical graphics and it was better too, he said. God’s friend was being an idiot. God made his friend into a tree and thus there were flowering plants. Super Nintendo was for babies. The fourth day.
So there you are. I don’t quite know what’s going on over at that website, but it made me laugh today.
1 comment
Love the Creation thing. It reminded me of one I read a while back, which I don’t know if you’ll have seen. The Filmarillion was posted before the Lord of the Rings films came out, and it still makes me laugh:
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