So, some online and book(ish) news from this end of things.
The Middle Kingdoms books have been needing a home of their own for a while… so now they’ve got one. The site isn’t absolutely perfect as yet, and not all the desired bells and whistles have been hung on it as yet, but there’s no reason not to let folks in to kick the tires.
One of the first things to announce is that, finally — for those of you who’ve been asking — all the “Tale of the Five” / “Door Into…” books are now in paperback at Amazon! You can find the links in the sidebar on each book’s page at The Amazon/Kindle versions of the second and third books aren’t available just yet, but they will be within a couple/few days. And anyway, if you want a Kindle-friendly .mobi file in any of the main Kindle types, we’ve got those at Ebooks Direct. Again, check the sidebar in each book’s page.
Also, there’s now a dedicated “update” page for a certain project that’s been hanging fire (cough, cough) for some years now. Those of you interested in the progress of the fourth and final book in the Tale of the Five sequence are invited to bookmark it and watch the developments during 2017.
Thanks, all! Enjoy.
1 comment
…is there a good reason why that link goes to Facebook with a redirect, as opposed to linking to the site directly?
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