Work day, busy busy. But first:
At the Ebooks Direct store we now have Microsoft Reader versions (the .lit format) of The Door into Fire, The Door into Shadow, The Door into Sunset, and the Tale of the Five Omnibus. (I was holding off on the conversion to .lit because I didn’t have the reader and wasn’t sure how they’d convert. Seems they look OK, so here they are.) Just use the pulldown menu on each page and the .lit version will reveal itself. …We’ll start rolling out .lit versions of the Young Wizards international editions and the various other books shortly. Also: in couple of weeks we’ll be putting up the revised edition of Stealing the Elf-King’s Roses, with a cover that more accurately supports its identity as an urban-fantasy police procedural (yes, with a love interest, but what do you call Gil Grissom and Sara Sidle, then? Chopped liver?).
BTW, Microsoft: what is this dumb stunt of emailing me a video about “how the Declaration of Independence would have looked if the Founding Fathers had had Word”? They had something way better than Word, people. They had the words. Here are a few of them for you: Consanguinity. Usurpations. Conjured. Despotism. Inestimable. Perfidy. And possibly the best one in that document: Unalienable. …Seriously, someone over there must have sent that email out before their blood caffeine level got high enough for them to realize how witless it would look in retrospect.
And by the way: WIL WHEATON IS NOT A DICK. Pass it on. (frowning at some people’s behavior) Seriously: there’s no excuse for it. And it doesn’t have to be like that. I remember how when George Takei came out for a Trek/media convention in Dublin some years back, he was briefly astounded at not being dogpiled at breakfast even though he was surrounded by a breakfast room full of eager fans. It was explained to him that nobody was going to bother him as long as he was obviously eating and reading his newspaper. When he stopped one or both of those behaviors, then people would approach him. And that’s just how it happened, though he wasn’t mobbed then, either: folks came up and visited him by ones and twos and threes at decent intervals. …A pity this kind of behavior can’t spread westward. In any case, Wil did exactly right. And good on Felicia for having been proactive.
Meanwhile: the main Young Wizards website has had a makeover. There may be a few pages that haven’t been optimized for the new layout yet (mostly in terms of images having their background colors changed, etc.) but Lee the Web Lady will hunt them down and sort them out over the next couple of days. Final issue: how to get the slider to fade rather than slide, if possible. (Probably some fiddly little jQuery thing. To be handled sooner or later…)
And finally: the Door into Starlight issue — bumping this a bit so that I can be sure everybody interested has had a chance to respond. If you’ve seen it already, apologies: please ignore it. (And thanks again to all those who have responded.) If you haven’t, leave a note in the comments, or Tweet with a link to the original message, or share it on G+ or Facebook. Thanks!