An unusually sucky customer

by Diane Duane

I’m very fond of the LJ community customers_suck. I read it often to remind myself of the dreadful crap that almost all service-providers have to put up with at one point or another… yet another reason to be nice to all the behind-the-counter people whose paths I cross. But also I read it because sometimes there’s just something so hilarious to be found there that it makes the whole afternoon or evening.

This is one. If I wrote this into a screenplay, my producer would send the scene back with “Not believable, nobody is really this stupid” scrawled across it.  …Nonetheless, what a great scene it would be to write.

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P J Evans August 17, 2008 - 3:56 am

Oh my aching clavicle.
Right up there with the person who tells you (and everyone else in earshot) more then you wanted to know about their life. (I have several of those on my morning train commute; they seem to be not the sharpest knives in the drawer.)

carpdeus August 18, 2008 - 2:16 pm

If you like that you should check out, as in The Customer Is…

Thanks for a good laugh to start the week!

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