Just stumbled across a reference to this at Lou Romano’s weblog —
Totoro Forest Project is an international charity effort to save Sayama Forest, also known as Totoro Forest. This endangered sanctuary on the outskirts of Tokyo is where director Hayao Miyazaki got the inspiration for his much-loved character “Totoro”.
Over 200 top international artists from animation, illustration and comics are donating artwork especially created for this cause. Find out more about the auction event, preview the incredible art collection, and please consider supporting the Totoro Forest Project with your generous contribution.
My favorite article from the Times this morning…
A free society survives partly because the powerful are mocked, and their pretensions undermined. Religions, which guard their own illusions carefully, are particularly ripe for satire. And they should be…
Orwell once remarked that one reason fascism never took off in Britain was because the sight of a goose-stepping soldier would prompt your average Englishman to giggle. Someone is now silencing the giggles. And our world is a lot creepier because of it.
Tags: cartoons, South Park
A note to the Scooby madness: in having a casual look at one of the Scooby episode guides, I find that I’ve written two episodes that I don’t even remember. Egad.
The interesting thing is that the original scripts seem to have been misplaced somewhere along the line; otherwise the titles would have been in my CV a long time ago. (After six house-moves in sixteen years, this probably shouldn’t be a surprise, even though not one of the moves would even register on the NESFA “move scale”.) Oh well….
This is plainly one of those weeks when my past is going to come back to haunt me with unusual insistence.
Starting this morning, Cartoon Network Europe has programmed an entire week of Scooby-Doo, during which they claim they’ll be showing every single Scooby episode ever shown. Meaning my episodes as well… I’ve been wanting to get these on video for a long time: this looks like my chance. Not that I ever want to show these to anybody, mind you. I’ve just been trying to collect all my TV work for a while now, and the Scooby episodes have been the big hole in the collection.
Peter’s feeling is possibly that this is a lacuna that should stay lacunic, or laconic, or something. Well, too bad. He can watch the History Channel next week. He spends too much time watching tanks anyway.