For those of you who’ve been (patiently!) waiting: Interim Errantry is now available in both ebook and paperback editions.
You can get the ebook here at Ebooks Direct, DRM-free, or here at Amazon.com in Kindle format. You can get the paperback edition here at Amazon.
Interim Errantry contains the whole “transitional trilogy” of canonical works bridging the gap between A Wizard of Mars and Games Wizards Play: that is to say, the novella Not On My Patch, the novelette How Lovely Are Thy Branches, and the full-length novel Lifeboats. (All of these are available separately from Ebooks Direct, of course, but you get a price break buying them in the omnibus edition of the ebook.)
About the hardcover edition: This will be coming out from Lulu.com, though right now I can’t predict a date: we’re busy getting ready for our trip to Hal-Con, and I can’t spare any more time right now for wrestling with Lulu’s cover builder (the interior of the book is ready to go). My apologies for this. But if you’re in North America and you’re going to Hal-Con and want a signed copy of Interim Errantry, you should have time to order it and receive it before the con. Check with Amazon, of course.
A reminder, also: the half-price sale on the 9-volume Young Wizards New Millennium “box sets” is still running. $24.99 is truly a silly price to pay for nine ebooks. Grab yourself a set before we come to our senses!