Or the second planette. (Or dwarf planet, or planetoid, or whatever-the-F we’re calling the Small Guys Out Past Neptune this week.)
Anyway: the planet formerly known as Xena is now Eris. …Which makes so much sense, given recent events. And her moon is Dysnomia. (Which I would otherwise have pegged as the word for the syndrome that makes you hate naming things, but never mind.)
But now let’s get serious. What’s the new body’s symbol?
It really ought to be an apple.
[tags]dwarf planet, planette, planetoid, Xena, planet, new planet, tenth planet, Eris, Dysnomia [/tags]
Discord just might be what’s needed here
Diane Duane posts about the planet formerly known as Xena. It’s to be called Eris, and Diane suggests an apple as the planetoid’s symbol. An apple is perfect, except that I can see Apple Computer and the Beatles’ record label tying in the music of t…
Heh… As soon as I heard about this, I thought to myself, “Those fools! Noe that they’e named a planet after the Goddess of Chaos and Discord, it would be ironic for it to find it’s way further into the solar system, and collide with Earth! Eris loves irony!
Seriously, though, I’ve got to agree that an apple would be a perfect symbol for it. Which gets me thinking on another topic… if the defender Power was certain gods/godesses, which of the Powers was Eris?
Ah, but Eris would have to be… the Devil’s Advocate. The Power that goes about prodding people out of complacency, just because. Sometimes utter calm needs a swift kick, or nothing will happen. Just look at the Big Bang.
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