Now this is interesting: a powered exoskeleton for paraplegics

by Diane Duane

It ain’t cheap. But I wonder if this is one of those things we’re going to see come down in price as the affiliated technologies become cheaper, and as more people start using it. Assuming that they do…

ReWalk™ is a man-machine device where the user is actively involved and has control of all mobility functions, through unique control processes. Walking is controlled through subtle changes in center of gravity, stability and safety are secured by use of crutches. Participation in mobility control comes naturally and intuitively, and brings tangible health and emotional benefits. ReWalk™ is not just a vertical wheelchair – ReWalk™ restores the element of control over mobility so lacking for wheelchair users. As any wheelchair user can attest, life in a wheelchair carries a hefty healthcare price tag. Serious problems with the urinary, respiratory, cardiovascular and digestive systems are common, as well as osteoporosis, pressure sores and other afflictions.

By maintaining users upright on a daily basis, and exercising even paralyzed limbs in the course of movement, ReWalk™ alleviates many of the health-related problems associated with long-term wheelchair use. In addition to relieving suffering, this has a real impact on healthcare costs – cutting, and enabling both insurers and individuals to redirect funds to other avenues. Adoption of ReWalk™ by wheelchair users results in significant cost saving at both institutions and private homes. ReWalk™ makes standing devices, stair lifts, bed lifts, and other mobility assistance apparatus redundant. Similarly, ReWalk™ users don’t require expensive powered wheelchairs – or the oversize vehicles and devices required to handle them. With ReWalk™, users require only minimal additional mobility assistance – dramatically increasing independence together with cost saving on a yearly basis.

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Anonymous April 12, 2011 - 1:15 pm

I find it slightly sad that the main selling point seems to be the finanical savings rather than the healthcare benefits.

tomwest April 12, 2011 - 1:15 pm

I find it slightly sad that the main selling point seems to be the finanical savings rather than the healthcare benefits.

HR Mitchell April 12, 2011 - 10:12 pm

Sad that Christopher Reeve didn’t live long enough for this tech.

HRM April 12, 2011 - 10:12 pm

Sad that Christopher Reeve didn’t live long enough for this tech.

how to get rid of a cold sore April 13, 2011 - 4:55 am

ReWalk is an aid for those people who have disability on walking. My grandfather had used this one and until now he is using it as sort of his therapy in order he could walk again. It is much better to wheelchairs because you can exercise your legs while walking.

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