I’d have preferred to call it The Adventure of the Sinister Eye because that sounds a lot cooler, but that eye’s not the problem today. (For a change.) I’ve been reading Arthur Conan Doyle this weekend, so let’s think of this as an Adventure for the time being.
The news is that I may or may not have developed a tear in the retina of my right eye. This being the case, one way or another life around here for the next week is about to get lively.
Some of you will have noted from previous posts over this year that I’ve had an ongoing problem with the retina in my left eye. This kind of thing is no surprise with someone who’s (a) over 60 and (b) very very nearsighted: the shape of the eyeball means the retina’s more likely to have trouble staying in place.
Well, this morning I woke up with a shadow in my right eye that has no business being there. It’s not a floater (of which I have plenty). This thing is holding still. (Cue irate fist-shaking at unresponsive ceiling. “THIS IS THE *GOOD(ish)* EYE, DAMMIT!!”)
Now, this being rural Ireland and relatively late on a Sunday, there is not a damn thing I can do that will do any good until tomorrow. I get to hold still until tomorrow morning and call my retinologist in Dublin first thing.
This is all insanely annoying because I’m presently doing the last work on INTERIM ERRANTRY 2, the completed version of which is supposed to launch tomorrow in the Ebooks Direct store to coincide with #CyberMonday. (And I’m still doing the work: sitting here and twitching isn’t going to help anything.)
We’ll see how that goes. But some folks have said they wish they could help. If you’d like to, then the best thing you can do right now is pop over to Ebooks Direct and buy some ebook that you like the look of… as with one thing and another, this is going to get to be an expensive week.
I think I may also have committed to livetweet the Journey To The Eye Doctor. (rolls eyes at self) (gingerly) My eye lady has an office full of nifty equipment, and I bet I can get her to at least give me a .jpg of the back of my retina to share with everybody.
Anyway, let’s all cross our fingers. It might just be something transient and not so bad as a tear. But if it *is* just a tear, there are ways to mend it that are actually office procedures these days. We’ll see how it goes…Â Starting tomorrow morning, I’ll update this post as we go along. But for the time being I may as well get back to work.
(Oh, and if you’re interested in buying anything, here’s the store’s sale page’s URL. The entire store inventory will appear at the bottom of it: give it a moment to load and then scroll down. Also, if you know someone you think might be interested in the situation [or the sale!] and care to share this with them, please feel free. The sale will be continuing, at the 50%-off-everything level for a little while more.)
ETA: And here’s a copy of the post at Facebook that tells what happened next.)
Feel better! As someone eagerly awaiting the next installment of Interim Errantry (so much so that I subscribed to this blog initially to get updates on when it would come out), I think I can probably speak for others, too, and let you know that we’d far prefer you to get some rest and not hurt your eye further, even if it means we get the book a week or a month later.
Thanks much. 🙂 Working on it.
Oh, not fun at all! (Very nearsighted person here. So was my father. He had some leaks that got laser-sealed.)
My fun eye story was being in a hardware store, in the checkout line, and suddenly having a quarter of one eye’s view being crisscrossed by black lines for a couple of minutes. No pain, no flashes, just lines. Which then disappeared – except for one very annoying floater, right in the middle of the view.
There ought to be some way to get hold of McCoy….
Don’t I wish. 🙂
And, having gone in and had my eyes checked today, it’s also visible in the photo of the interior. (Early cataracts, not yet a problem, and high blood pressure. And a mismatched set of optic nerves, for some reason.)
So sorry to hear this news! I sincerely hope that treatment goes well and you are back to having full function in both eyes soon! Sending prayers to the various Powers to this effect. GET WELL SOON!
So…your eye had a stroke, in effect. Wonderful. Or not.
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