This is a cool little thing

by Diane Duane

It’ll be available in May, apparently.

“We have put the sizzle into bbq design. Your bbq and herb-garden in one. It looks like a terracotta pot, but conceals a bbq grill underneath. Grow your herbs on the top to season the food you cook on the grill. It is ideal for small terraces or balconies and even looks good when not in use.

“made from stainless steel 430 & steel / includes stainless steel tongs / heat insulating ceramic coating / 37 Ø x 27cm / cooking area 29cm Ø / 14.6 Ø x 10.6in / cooking area 11.4in Ø”

…The site has a lot of nicely designed stuff. I particularly like the fruit loop.









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