An interesting couple/few days

by Diane Duane
pink roses

As some of you may have heard, this has been an unusual week in this corner of county Wicklow. At some point in the recent past, someone skimmed my bank card — whether during the pre-Christmas period or more recently, we’re still not sure. In the last few days, someone started playing around with a clone of the card, using it tentatively in a few Dublin-area locations. Then, having determined that the clone was workable, they immediately used it to empty the household joint account that Peter and I share.


I should say that I’m no stranger to identity theft, though it’s been a while since it happened, and that was in the literary mode. That set of events*, though it dragged on over a number of years, was  far less annoying. This… this feels more like discovering that someone’s not only broken into your house, but gone through your underwear drawer. And then you  sit up late into the night, trying to retrace your steps for the last three months, and thinking: That balky cash machine when you last went into Dublin for the six-weekly haircut, the one you had to try to get the card into a few times — was that actually a skimmer, and you weren’t just holding your card upside down, as you thought? If not that, then when? You’re always paranoid about covering up your PIN. When did you slip? Or…surely it can’t be one of the machines down in the shopping town — in places you trust? The local supermarket? The good friendly pub with the free wifi? Argh. ARGH. And how much other stuff were the skimmers  able to find out about me, us, every time they stuck their card in that damn machine? AUUUGH….

In the fifteen minutes or so after I discovered that the account was empty, and had the bank staff cancel my card… well, I was not a happy woman. But miserable turned quickly to the desire to Do Something Useful to solve the problem. So I did this and this.

And folks responded. I had no idea how many folks were going to say “WTF?!” and respond. You people, to be brief, ROCK. You rock very hard. Many of you chose to forego the offered discount (and said as much in the clear). Many others said you didn’t know I had an ebook store and were happy to find out, even if it had to be this way. There were tons of other kindly messages of support, on G+ and Twitter and elsewhere.

Can I just say THANK YOU?

Good. THANK YOU. You folks have made the difference, and the household problem is thoroughly solved. If you were contemplating a purchase, please note that there’s now no urgency about it at all at this end: please feel comfortable about standing down.  But, regardless,  thank you for being concerned. And of course, feel free to stop by the store over the next month or two and see what new things there might be.

I also want to thank — at the risk of starting to sound like a denizen of a runaway awards ceremony —  our online colleagues and friends and fellow writers who didn’t have to boost the signal personally, but did so, through your own blogs, and Tweeting, and even through listservs and such. You guys too rock (and though you should know it, you probably don’t spend your days thinking about it: you’re too busy writing). If you have a moment to update your posts to point back to this one so that people will know the situation’s now under control, please do so.

And to you, and all the others who shared or passed the message on, or stopped in and bought something, however large or small:

Thanks again. Those flowers up there? They’re for you. (And to the Swiss contingent: Merci vielmals: mwah, mwah, mwah.) Peter thanks you (he’ll be blogging about this in his own place shortly), and I thank you, and Mr. Goodman, the White Cat, thanks you. Mostly by demanding fish, but that’s how he rolls.

(…Oh, also: Some of you have let us know about formatting problems in one or another of the files you’ve downloaded, particularly the first chapter of Stealing the Elf-King’s Roses. Thanks for that: one thing we’ve been missing has been more comprehensive info about how our conversions have been working on devices besides the plain-vanilla Nooks and Kindles, and codes that produce no-problems text in some readers have been causing others to have conniptions. Our staff are compiling your notes and will be getting to work on the affected files in short order. If you notice a reading problem with a file, please use your download link to pick up another copy of it in four or five days and see if the problem has been solved.)

And well.. thanks again.

*The earlier ID-theft perp was a woman who knew Star Trek really well, and knew my works really well, and started going from convention to convention in the mid-80’s impersonating me, able to do so because up until that point very few of my books had my picture in them. Her impersonations of me stretched literally from sea to shining sea. I first heard about her setting up signing sessions for herself in Hawaii; she then had a flirtation with the East Coast before settling down in Omaha — I kid you not, at the Strategic Air Command base there: a vital part of her modus operandi was impersonating military personnel.

After a few years of her playing stay-one-jump-ahead with the MI people, fans finally caught her — in particular, fellow fanzine fans who knew I wasn’t living in the US any more; though the catching did involve some truly surreal scenes. One was the long phone conversation I had with USAF military intelligence officers while sitting on the stairs at Peter’s Mum’s house outside Belfast (and they were most confused about WhyTF they were calling Belfast). Another was when I heard from my Trek editors that the FBI had called the Pocket Books 1-800 sales number to find out whether I really existed, or was just one more figment of this woman’s imagination — her pseudonym, as she often told those she was scamming. Janet Kagan, God rest her, was also one of her “pseudonyms”.

…Short version of the rest of this story: a fellow fanzine-friend heard from a bookstore’s assistant manager in Omaha (also a fanzine person) who had a brush with the woman. She notified me: I notified the MI people: and though they were dubious about whether she’d still be on site when they arrived, they swooped and (much to their own surprise) caught her, and sent her away to do time in one of the five or six states where she’d been perpetrating identity thefts on both military personnel and civilians. When the MI folks picked her up, they found shopping bags full of fake ID and applications for more, including — the MI people told me later — a passport application on which in the “father’s name” field she had listed “Leonard Nimoy.” …All of which just goes to show you: don’t screw with the fans.

Fortunately this woman’s  antics  cost me nothing but repeated annoyance as I attended conventions where she’d previously passed through, and found people looking at me suspiciously, plainly wondering if this was actually the genuine Diane Duane, or whether another one might be along shortly. However, there are some hints of late that she might have finally gotten out of stir and started up her old game again. So if I do Google myself a lot, it’s mostly to find out if I’ve recently been somewhere that I wasn’t…



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P J Evans January 14, 2012 - 11:09 pm

Sympathy … I just collected what should be the last bill on my old credit card, and found some stuff – nothing expensive – but stuff I hadn’t bought, after I’d stopped using the card. Account has been permanently closed, and the next time whoever it is tries using it, they’ll get a rude surprise.  And the hold-music was decent classical, and the wait was short, so I’m happy.

P J Evans January 14, 2012 - 11:09 pm

Sympathy … I just collected what should be the last bill on my old credit card, and found some stuff – nothing expensive – but stuff I hadn’t bought, after I’d stopped using the card. Account has been permanently closed, and the next time whoever it is tries using it, they’ll get a rude surprise.  And the hold-music was decent classical, and the wait was short, so I’m happy.

P.F. Bruns January 14, 2012 - 11:14 pm

Diane, your writing has given so much joy to others that not only do you not deserve this happening to you (though as a victim of skimming myself, nobody really does), but you deserve every single dollar your fans contributed to help you, and then some.  So, while you are certainly welcome, thank you right back.

P.F. Bruns January 14, 2012 - 11:14 pm

Diane, your writing has given so much joy to others that not only do you not deserve this happening to you (though as a victim of skimming myself, nobody really does), but you deserve every single dollar your fans contributed to help you, and then some.  So, while you are certainly welcome, thank you right back.

Salgak January 14, 2012 - 11:29 pm


As anyone who loves “Firefly” could tell you…

…You can’t Stop the Signal (grin)

And, anytime…

Salgak January 14, 2012 - 11:29 pm


As anyone who loves “Firefly” could tell you…

…You can’t Stop the Signal (grin)

And, anytime…

Stephen Hutchison January 14, 2012 - 11:39 pm

The one time my card was skimmed was at a Westercon, sadly enough.
I felt terrible about reporting it: It was used twice in short order: once to attempt to get a cell phone account, and once to pay for a meal at a shelter for gay street kids.  The cellphone was in Washington (50 miles away) and the shelter was in Tennessee, and it was on the same day, which is why Visa red-flagged it, and called me.  (Visa, not my bank!)

I contacted the shelter and asked them to send me a donation form since I did NOT want them to suffer for the idiocy and I wanted them to know I supported them. Sadly, they didn’t, but they did reverse the charge.  The guy in Washington, I think the police may have gotten to.  But it showed up a few years later (along with my SSN) in the same general area in another attempt to open a cellphone, and then a month later, the SSN alone – I ended up calling all the cell companies here and explaining that I had a phone, wasn’t interested in switching, and I wouldn’t be ordering a phone so far away from where I live, nor buying it in a state which would charge sales tax for doing so.

Stephen Hutchison January 14, 2012 - 11:39 pm

The one time my card was skimmed was at a Westercon, sadly enough.
I felt terrible about reporting it: It was used twice in short order: once to attempt to get a cell phone account, and once to pay for a meal at a shelter for gay street kids.  The cellphone was in Washington (50 miles away) and the shelter was in Tennessee, and it was on the same day, which is why Visa red-flagged it, and called me.  (Visa, not my bank!)

I contacted the shelter and asked them to send me a donation form since I did NOT want them to suffer for the idiocy and I wanted them to know I supported them. Sadly, they didn’t, but they did reverse the charge.  The guy in Washington, I think the police may have gotten to.  But it showed up a few years later (along with my SSN) in the same general area in another attempt to open a cellphone, and then a month later, the SSN alone – I ended up calling all the cell companies here and explaining that I had a phone, wasn’t interested in switching, and I wouldn’t be ordering a phone so far away from where I live, nor buying it in a state which would charge sales tax for doing so.

Mad Bee January 14, 2012 - 11:50 pm

I really hope everything works out for you, as I am  a victim of identity theft as well.

Mad Bee January 14, 2012 - 11:50 pm

I really hope everything works out for you, as I am  a victim of identity theft as well.

John C. Welch January 16, 2012 - 4:14 pm

I’ve had someone impersonate me once. To, of all things get into a party at Macworld. (Apple used to have huge developer bashes. I was friends with the brother of the guy who did the list.)

My friends and I show up to go in and the lovely lady at the table says “But you’re already here”

No, I’m not. I just got here. Really. I was with me the whole time.

“But you just went in”

What was I wearing. (This was SUCH an odd conversation)

“Well, you were in a nice suit, with an attractive blonde girl in a dress…”

at that point, my friends start howling about how none of that could have been me.

HEY! It COULD have been. I mean not the SUIT per se, but the blonde is POSSIBLE

even more laughter. 

It was just a party, but damn, that was weird. Also, using MY name to get something free? WTF?

John C. Welch January 16, 2012 - 4:14 pm

I’ve had someone impersonate me once. To, of all things get into a party at Macworld. (Apple used to have huge developer bashes. I was friends with the brother of the guy who did the list.)

My friends and I show up to go in and the lovely lady at the table says “But you’re already here”

No, I’m not. I just got here. Really. I was with me the whole time.

“But you just went in”

What was I wearing. (This was SUCH an odd conversation)

“Well, you were in a nice suit, with an attractive blonde girl in a dress…”

at that point, my friends start howling about how none of that could have been me.

HEY! It COULD have been. I mean not the SUIT per se, but the blonde is POSSIBLE

even more laughter. 

It was just a party, but damn, that was weird. Also, using MY name to get something free? WTF?

Alan Baker January 16, 2012 - 10:52 pm

I’m delighted to read that your short-term problems are resolved. I’m happy to be one of the people who helped resolve it and I hope to start in on my “Tale of the Five” omnibus edition when I get home today.

Alan Baker January 16, 2012 - 10:52 pm

I’m delighted to read that your short-term problems are resolved. I’m happy to be one of the people who helped resolve it and I hope to start in on my “Tale of the Five” omnibus edition when I get home today.

David DeLaney January 17, 2012 - 12:50 am

Any ETA on Uptown Local being available in .pdf or plaintext versions? (Or, plz plz, mass market paperback hardcopy format?)


David DeLaney January 17, 2012 - 12:50 am

Any ETA on Uptown Local being available in .pdf or plaintext versions? (Or, plz plz, mass market paperback hardcopy format?)


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