The best camouflage you will ever see. This guy comes out of cloak like a startled Romulan warbird, then fires (ink) and hurriedly makes off for a more, ahem, neutral zone. (Also does a great imitation of a walking rock.)
That’s amazing! Cephalopods are so awesome 🙂
That’s amazing! Cephalopods are so awesome 🙂
It’s as much fun as the octopodes that take their hidey-shells with them, tip-tentacling across the bottom.
(I have to say, that’s very nice camouflage that one has. It took a couple of times through before I could see it against the foliage.)
It’s as much fun as the octopodes that take their hidey-shells with them, tip-tentacling across the bottom.
(I have to say, that’s very nice camouflage that one has. It took a couple of times through before I could see it against the foliage.)
That is pretty much the awesomest thing ever. (I say that pretty often, actually, but only because there’s SO MUCH awesome going on…)
That is pretty much the awesomest thing ever. (I say that pretty often, actually, but only because there’s SO MUCH awesome going on…)
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